Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 7: A day of rest

Today I will not be doing any biking (and of course not driving) because it is my day of rest. My wife and I believe that once a week we should rest and do absolutely nothing. It is awesome to be able to have this once either on a Saturday or a Sunday and I encourage everyone to try this.

On my last post I was challenged by Pradeepan to begin recording my weight and body fat statistics to see what not driving is doing for my health. I have not seen much change since I have started and I blame most of that to overeating. Usually when I get home from a bike ride I just want to eat tons of food. I am not gaining any weight but I am also not losing any. My goal of this journey was not to lose weight, but if I am exercising this much everyday I should be, right? I will meet this challenge and start recording my weight each week and my body fat (as best as I know how). I was actually trying to figure out calories burned from my workout the other day and stumbled upon this calories calculator. They go into extreme detail by including calories burned brushing your teeth, playing cards, and writing! Maybe even blogging burns a few calories...

The second challenge was that I document a day with Biker Fox. I actually had the thought to do this after seeing the Kabio video. Like I mentioned in my first post Biker Fox is a living legend in Tulsa. He invented the first front flip on a bicycle (Fox Flip) and holds the Guinness Record for this. I have only spotted him twice since I have been here in Tulsa, but I am going to dedicate my spare time to finding him and then riding alongside him. I am fully confident that I can make this happen. He has an email and I am sure that as the weather starts warming up the fox will be out.

My body statistics:
Weight: 205 lbs
Body Fat: Will find out at the end of this week


  1. I only ever saw him once and was able to take a picture of him in all of his bulge-tastic glory. Good luck on your fox hunting!

  2. Biker Fox is full of awkwardness. I expect awkward tales.

  3. Dude!!!! This is a BLOGRIMAGE. I expect awkward and glorious things. The Fox and the Wolf!

    Thanks for doing this. I'm stoked.

  4. rock on, can't wait to read about that post...i'm officially JOINING the blogrimage! Today marked day ONE of walking to work!

  5. yeah Mesha! I thought you were just doing it once, way to go and I can't wait to read about it
