Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 6: Do you see me?

Temperature: 40-50 F
Music: Blayze LP, Mewithoutyou, Flobots

I have officially completed a week without my car. It feels incredible and I know that I am making progress with each ride to where my future rides will be easier. Although I am not driving my car, my wife has been enjoying it on a daily basis. Here is the conversation we had about an hour ago:

Me: Are you enjoying my car?
Wife: Yeah, but your left back tire is a little low.
Me: Oh yeah I meant to air that up, but it was snowing last week.
Wife: Can you do it now since it is not snowing today?
Me: Yeah sure, if you drive me to the gas station.
Wife: (pause) Oh yeah the bike thing.

And that is how you get out of filling your tires (unfortunately this will not work in about 24 days.

Since it was Saturday I thought I would rest for most of the morning. I could have read the book, but instead I watched Hulu for a couple hours. Then I had to go into work. Once every couple of months someone is chosen to do this. I was the chosen one this time. If there was any day that I truly wanted my vehicle it would be today. The weather did not look promising with the possibility of rain and strong winds (from all directions). I just rode in the rain a couple of days ago and I knew I could do it again, but was really hoping for a miracle.

I finally got ready at about 10:30 and headed out. No rain and the wind was with me the whole way! Take that Chief Meteorologist Frank Mitchell! I had a great ride with the exception of many drivers who I talked to even with their windows rolled up. The whole conversation pretty much went,

Taylor: Do you see me?
Car: No response
Taylor: Here I come!
Car: Head turned towards me and a grimace

I do ride on the sidewalk just so everyone is aware of this. I will never ride in the street due to danger and the fact that I hate bikers that do that too. One funny moment at work was that there was a huge meeting with tons of people there (truckers!) and they all gave me the strangest looks. One actually asked me if I live close and I said yeah only about 9 miles away. His face was priceless.

I finished work at around 1pm and decided to take the long way home. After watching an episode of the Biggest Loser the other night I was inspired to bike for over 20 miles at one time. The people on this show weigh twice as much as I do and they did 26 miles on a stationary bicycle! So, following their lead and made my way from 21st and Memorial to Riverside. From Riverside I made it to the Creek Turnpike trail and from there I went home. This trip was much harder then I realized and totaled 24 miles and took 2 hours to complete. The wind was not with me and was very intense on riverside. Right now as I type this my butt is killing me and strangely enough so is my right arm.

I am looking forward to having a day of rest this Sunday and getting a ride from my lovely wife who has just informed me that she will be taking me to the gas station to fill up the tires.

Taylor 0 Wife 1


  1. Way to go for it! I confess... I am addicted to The Biggest Loser :)

  2. You're blog pleases me ever so greatly.

    Hey, I got a blogrimage request and challenge.

    1. Post your weight, and body fat stats (I want to see what all this excercise is doing, plus the healthy food you get at home)

    2. Document a day with Biker Fox.

  3. both challenges will be met head on! I was thinking about the second one after watching your Kabio video!
