Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 22 and 23: Lots of Love

I have been making it home rather late the last couple of nights and so I have been unable to reflect on my days through blogging. I have continued to ride my bike and have not driven for what feels like forever. I have some amazing stories of love that I have experienced in my life the last couple of days and I will share those in my post tomorrow.

I have also been reading about a man who tried to live an entire year without making any impact on the environment. That is one epic task and the book has been very interesting and inspiring in many places. I will make sure to also tell you about the impact cars make on the environment in another post (I am sure most of you know it is not a good impact).

That is all I can muster tonight because I just got back from a Mutemath show. It was amazing and the drummer looks like Gob Bluth.

My ears are ringing.


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